Product Propensity

与产品倾向建模、mak很容易e tailored product recommendations that directly address customer needs so they increase the amount they spend with you and stay loyal to your brand for longer.

Providing leading organizations with what they want and need.

Know What Your Customers Want Before They Do

Spend just five minutes on your phone and you’ll see just how many brands are competing for your attention. We’re inundated with offers, and we pay no attention to most of them. That’s because they don’t truly address a need we have or a product we’ve expressed legitimate interest in.

To recommend products that stand out, you need to pick up on the signals that customers put out online. By combining information about online behavior with past purchase data, you can determine which products site visitors are likely interested in and provide a friendly nudge when the time is right.


Four Reasons Why You Need Product Propensity

  • Gather valuable insights:Use all of your existing data to understand each customer’s purchase history and relevant online buying behavior.
  • Strong product recommendations:Make tailored product recommendations that cut through the noise by solving customers’ problems or helping them accomplish goals.
  • Boost conversions, while improving the experience:Build trust with customers, increase the likelihood that they’ll purchase, and make their shopping experiences more enjoyable.
  • Optimize resources:Improve the creation and distribution of targeted marketing materials, as well as levels of staff allocation.


Global users

Smart Tool Related to Machine Learning and Data Science

RapidMinerStudio helps us evaluate and communicate our concepts in a simple and understandable way and expedites our data-driven transformations. As an outcome of all this, our information collection, model confirmation, data augmentation, and visualization methods have all changed considerably.

Corporate Communications Manager

IT Services

Best Data Science and Machine Learning Solution

I found features of RapidMiner to be extremely useful from data preparation to data analysis as an experienced user of data mining projects utilizing open programming languages, developing predictive models, and placing them in a visually appealing presentation.

Senior Software Engineer

IT Services

RapidMinerAs a Citizen Data Science Tool

A well-designed flexible product, plenty of pre-built models, generalized transformations and evaluation processes. In addition, easy to understand explanations and an extensive training library.

Enterprise Analytics Manager

Pipeline Transmission

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Recommended Resources

Product Propensity in Action

Offer the right products and services at the right moment. Request a free AI Assessment to determine the feasibility and business impact of the your high-priority use cases.

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